Hey Babe!
Because of the success of last year’s Queer Joy campaign, we decided to do it again!

Saturday December 14th saw the return of our collaboration with the wonderful Pigeon Books for our Day of Queer Joy!
We had goodie bags stuffed with generous donations from our friends and fellow queer organisations – thank you to everyone for their generosity. We’ll tag some pals on Insta 🙂

Huge congratulations to our giveaway winner: Meg!

This fab back was provided by Pigeon Books and Bookish Mindset – all the books have been added to my 2025 reading list!
It was absolutely love to see so many friends (both new and old!) at this event. A huge shoutout to Courtnee and Sienna for setting everything up.

It’s been a busy year for Downtown Pompey, and babe, 2025 is only going to be busier, more brilliant and bright!
There’s lots coming up, so keep an eye on socials to see how you can get involved.
Have a lovely festive season, if you celebrate, and a smashing new year!
Speak soon x