The Fabulous Josh
Josh is a performance-based artist working within a variety of disciplines, focused on bringing community activism with colourful accessibility. Drawing inspiration from working class culture The Fabulous Josh explores LGBTQ+ identity through pop culture, using their own autobiography as the practice helping manoeuvre important and poignant questions about what it means to be an ‘artist’ and ‘activist’.
From nightclubs and galleries to community centres and theatres Josh eagerly lisps about all things queer, class and local – showing up and showing off.
As an award winning community activist Josh’s work within this sector directly feeds into the art created, trying to find meaningful ways to bridge gaps with communities but also to find a place where ‘community art’ has value and integrity, they do this through their company Downtown exploring the Portsmouth landscape to create bridges and physical spaces in the heart of Portsmouth, starting conversations on identity, placement and belonging, whether that’s through garden parties, workshops or classic cabaret performances.
Hi I’m Courtnee. I’m passionate, loud, and friendly! I’m here because I love the work downtown produce and I wanted to get as involved as possible to help them keep doing it.
I started working on projects with Downtown back in 2020 creating pieces for zines, podcasts and performing poetry. I joined the advisory board in 2022 because I’m passionate about using art to create new things collaboratively within our community, telling unheard stories and uplifting marginalised voices. I’ve spent the last few years volunteering with various local groups including working within community teams, being LGBTQ youth work, liason officer for large scale events, collaborative speechwriting and more. I’m excited to combine my past experience with the new ventures Downtown is taking on.
I spend the rest of my time running an animal care business, writing poetry, gaming, reading and spending time with my family. You’ll often hear me before you see me (especially if I’m laughing) so make sure to say hi!
Tracie Breach she/her. I am one of the directors of Downton Pompey, and my main
responsibility is to keep track of Josh’s spending (not an easy job I can assure you!).
I have been involved from the very beginning of DTP’s journey and am incredibly proud of the amazing work that it has done so far within the LGBTQ+ community within Portsmouth.
I am one of the directors of Downtown Pompey. As an experienced Project and Staff Manager for schools and capitals, my main responsibilities are health and safety, stage management (the boring stuff but important), set building, and soon will be venturing into Production Management (adding another string to my bow!).
From the inception of Downtown Pompey, when we did Hey Babe Cafe! in our garden, I was there making breakfasts and topping up cups of tea.
You may not see much of me as I may be backstage, but am part of and passionate about Portsmouth using the LGBTQ+ umbrella as the forefront of all the work we do. I thought I cannot miss the opportunity be involved in such a great organisation.
Jake has worked with young people for the last 15 years in both education and youth work settings.
He is the Head of Youth & Families Services at the trans-led charity Gendered Intelligence, as well as one of the designated safeguarding leads. He manages a team of 15 youth and community workers and co-leads camps in the summer for trans young people.
Outside of his GI work, Jake is a foster carer and previously ran the 4u LGBTQ youth group at Portsmouth City Council.